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Pair of Lions
Pair of Lions
Pair of Lions
Museum of International Folk Art
DepartmentLatin America

Pair of Lions

NameAnimal Figures
Artist Artist Not Recorded
Datec. 1960
Place madeCelaya, Guanajuato, Mexico, North America
MediumPapier-mâché, paint
Dimensionsred Lion: 7 1/2 × 8 1/4 × 2 7/8 in. (19 × 21 × 7.3 cm)
Yellow lion: 7 3/4 × 2 1/2 × 2 1/4 in. (19.685 × 6.35 × 5.715 cm)
Credit LineMuseum of International Folk Art, gift of the Girard Foundation Collection, A.1979.3.456X
Object numberA.1979.3.456X
DescriptionStanding, papier-mache, painted, one orange, one yellow.
Judas Figures
Artist Not Recorded
CA 1960, STAFF
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Artist Not Recorded
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Artist Not Recorded
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Artist Not Recorded
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Artist Not Recorded
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Artist Not Recorded
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Toy Monkey Heads
Artist Not Recorded
CA 1960, STAFF