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El Rey Negro Mask
El Rey Negro Mask
El Rey Negro Mask
DepartmentLatin America

El Rey Negro Mask

NameMask and a Crown
Artist Artist Not Recorded
Dateca. 1950
Place madeChichiquila, Puebla, Mexico, North America
MediumWood, metal, paint, twine, feathers, glass mirror
Dimensions8 11/16 × 5 1/2 × 2 3/4 in. (22 × 14 × 7 cm)
Credit LineMuseum of International Folk Art, Gift of Eleanor Bender Joseph, A.2015.23.18ab
Object numberA.2015.23.18ab
DescriptionWooden mask with downturned eyes, striated and jagged beard. Two nostrils drilled. Crown cut from oil can. Crown has glass mirrors attched to side and feather glued to top cross of crown.
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