DepartmentTextiles-Latin America
Ex-voto wall hanging
Artist Not Recorded
Dateca. 2000
Place madeSan Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico, North America
Dimensions55 3/8 × 35 13/16 in. (140.6 × 91 cm)
Credit LineMuseum of International Folk Art, Gift of Sandra and James Fitzpatrick, A.2016.14.1
Object numberA.2016.14.1
TOP ROW- Panels from Left to Right
1st-- Scene of accident: 'Estos son mis abuelos que/estaban [h]eridos cuando choco [h]ace dies anos/ del 1989. Le dan gracias al nino dias/ por [h]aber los sanado/ Maria del Rosario - La Petaca'. [These are my grandparents who were hurt in an accident ten years ago, from 1989. They give thanks to the child of God for having healed them. Maria del Rosario- La Petaca (a ranch).]
2nd-- Nature and saint: 'Gracias a San Martin de Porres/ por alviar a mi mama de fiebre/ y bomito el 11 de mayo de 1998/ Antonia Lopez'. [Thanks to Saint Martin of Porres for curing my mother of fever and vomiting the 11th of May. Antonia Lopez.]
3rd -- Virgin and fallen child: 'El ano de 1981 mi [h]ermano se/ callo y se le trancho un pie. Le doy gracias a lal Virgen del LaPaz que/ se compuso pronto Josefina/ La Cuadrilla'. [In 1981 my brother fell crippling his foot. I give thanks to the Virgin of Peace that it healed quickly. Josefina, La Cuadrilla (a place).]
1st-- Virgin and girl, cactus and flowers: 'Gracias Virgencita de los/Remedios por sanar a mi hija Maria de una infeccion el/ estomago. El 5 de abril 1998/ Sabrina Ramirez.' [Thank you dear Virgin of the Remedies for curing my daughter Maria of a stomach infection. 5 April 1998. Sabrina Ramirez.]
2nd --God and male figure: 'Mi primo le da gracias al/Divino maestro por [h]aberlo sanado/ de un dolor en la espalda en/1981/ Zenaida La Cuadrilla-Calar [My cousin gives thanks to the Divine Master for having cured him of shoulder pain in 1981. Zenaida. La Cuadrilla-Clara.]
3rd-- Child running from snakes: 'Gracias al Santo Nino que la/vibora no le pico a mi sobrina/ Mes de junio 1998. Rancho La Petaca, Clara' [Thanks to the Holy Child (for seeing) that the snake did not bite my niece. June 1998. Rancho la Petaca, Clara.]
1st -- Picture (icon) of St. Anthony and Christ Child - 2 male figures one falling from a tree: 'En el ano de 1989 mi hermano juga/ba con otro nino y se callo de/ un arbol. Gracias a San Antonio/ de Padua no le paso nada/ Elisa La Cuadirilla [in another hand]. [In 1989 my brother was playing with another boy and fell from a tree. Thanks to St. Anthony of Padua nothing happened to him. Elisa La Cuadrilla.]
2nd--Picture- cross on a mound of rocks, man bleeding, bull in background: 'Le doy gracias a la Santa/Cruz por sanar a mi papa el 3/ de marzo del 68 de una herida/ que le hizo un toro. Maria Lopez La Cuadrilla.' [I give thanks to the Holy Cross for having healed my father on March 3, 68, from a wound he received from a bull. Maria Lopez. La Cuadrilla.]
3rd--Icon of Christ carrying cross and wearing crown of thorns and on robe a representation of the sacred heart. Icon surrounded by virgin, stylized flowers: 'Jesus Nasareno te doy las gracias/ por darle la salud al nino Alan/ lla [ya] que padecia frequentemente del /asma, bordado de Antonia L./ 1990.' [Jesus of Nazareth, I give thanks to you for giving the boy Allen back his health since he frequently suffered from asthma, Embroidered by Antonia L. 1990.]
1st--The virgin with roses, stylized flowers, and small female figure: 'El 20 noviembre mi mama/ tenia un dolor muy fuerte/ y le pidio a la Virjen del Rosario/ que ce [se] alivia y ay [ahi] sano proto [pronto] de 198 A Cuadriya. Aurelia' [November20 my mother had a very severe pain and asked the Virgin of the Rosary to give her some relief and right then and there she cured her, 198 La Cuadrilla, Aurelia.]
2nd-- Pine trees, girl walking, enormous orange rooster and red-eyed quadruped [wolf?]: 'Damos gracias a la Virgen de San Juan/ por aver cuidado a la/ nina Maria de los Angeles estu/vo perdida noches y dias tenia/ 4 anos era una vesina 25 anos/ en el monte. los Angeles" [ We give give thanks to the Virgin of San Juan for having cared for the child Maria de Los Angeles, who at 4 years old was lost in the mountains for many days (and nights). She was a neighbor 25 years, M. de los Angeles.]
3rd-- Smiling sun, between mountains, male figure, cross: 'La Santa Cruz le doy/ gracias por haver cura/do a mi hijo de tos. 1991/Angeles' [I give thanks to the Holy Cross for having cured my son of [whooping] cough. 1991 Angeles.]
Artist Not Recorded
Artist Not Recorded
Artist Not Recorded
Artist Not Recorded
Artist Not Recorded