Ethiopian Orthodox Cross
NameOrthodox Cross
CultureEthiopian Orthodox
Datec. 2000
(not assigned)Ethiopia, East Africa, Africa
Mediumwood, paint
Dimensions17 1/2 × 5 × 2 1/2 in. (44.4501 × 12.7 × 6.35 cm)
Credit LineGift of Dianne Cheseldine
Object numberA.2022.68.1
Provenancepurchased by donor at hotel in Oromia (Highlands), while visiting Ethiopia in 2014
Descriptionhandheld carved wood piece with a handle, two painted faces of saints in middle, set of three wing-like ornamentation around edge, along with looping designs around border, and a carved copic cross on top. Possibly used in processions, but this piece may only serve as decorative. Has a base to stand piece up.19th century
late 19th-early 20th Century
Artist Not Recorded