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Image Not Available for Iwisa (nobbed sparring stick)
Iwisa (nobbed sparring stick)
Image Not Available for Iwisa (nobbed sparring stick)

Iwisa (nobbed sparring stick)

Artist Artist Not Recorded
Dateearly to mid-twentieth century
Place madeKwaZulu-Natal, SOUTH AFRICA, Africa
Mediumwood, telephone wire, brass or copper
Dimensions33.5” x 4”
Credit LineMuseum of International Folk Art, Gift of David Arment and Jim Rimelspach, David Arment Southern African Collection, IFAF Collection, FA.2024.12.74
Object numberFA.2024.12.74
ProvenanceAcquired by donor between 2008-2020.
DescriptionStick with diagonal lines of colored telephone wire and large spherical wooden end.

Since the sixteenth century, metal and wire rods have been used as prestige items in Southern African trade routes. In the nineteenth century, sparring sticks and snuff containers became objects embellished with imported wire. The introduction of telephone wire in the early to mid-twentieth century opened up new color options for weavers.

In isiZulu, induku is a general term for a sparring or ceremonial stick. However, a wide range of stick names are referenced here because sticks are used for different forms of Zulu martial arts, warfare, and play, as well as a wide range of community ceremonies, such as weddings, coming-of-age rituals, seasonal celebrations, and religious festivals. Different forms and decorations connote distinct functions. For example, when visiting a friend’s home, a person carrying a sparring stick will leave his uniquely decorated stick outside to signal his presence to new arrivals.

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Hanging Crown.
Artist Not Recorded
ca. 1990
Popsicle stick bowl
Artist Not Recorded
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Artist Not Recorded
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Artist Not Recorded